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Old Mar 02 2010, 02:22 AM
dsscheibe dsscheibe is offline
Join Date: Oct 10 2009
Location: Phoenix
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One problem It has I don't have room on my main farm for all the buildings, just hit level 44 so I bought a second farm and put the new buildings there. Even after buying the farm and all 3 buildings I still have over 2 million credits. The problem is the animals I have are on the first farm and the buildings on the second. You can't harvest animals on the other farm and there is no way to move the animals from the first farm to the second. There is no option to store the animals to transfer from one farm to another. I bought a 20 sheep and 20 llamas but can't buy the other animals and most of my friends have quit playing so it's been slow getting cows and hens.