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Old Dec 03 2010, 07:05 PM
rab124 rab124 is offline
Join Date: Aug 03 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 16

I KNEW IT!!!! I have been on FT for well over 5 hours today (ok, perhaps I do have an addiction problem as someone mentioned before) - and noticed this last time when I went to the marketplace that something was different. Then when I was hired to plow and had an actual plow in my hand - I KNEW! In my excitement I told the farm owner that there had been a new release - and then is when the addiction remark was made. I could barely contain myself long enough to finish plowing to come see what the "new" was - YAY!!! Thank you, Raul and team - you have made a sniffly, yucky feeling old lady very happy - HAPPY DANCE!