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Old Aug 30 2011, 03:27 PM
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SeaJay SeaJay is offline
Join Date: Jul 30 2009
Location: Palm Springs, Florida
Posts: 445

You rock you rock you rock!!!! I love you guys!! How gracious and thoughtful and kind to make those adorable little cork trees harvestable in one minute when you first plant them so that we could see how seriously cute and different they are.
And I bought a border collie and just sort of planted him randomly where ever. When I left and came back he was right by my side!! How stinkin cute is that!!!
Already maxed out my 11th farm. Can't wait to go play with it. I kept telling myself when I got the newest farm, I would make it something really special in it's design, but alas, I just need it for the same old stuff, so have to make it practical again!! Maybe next time!!

I would love it if you could consider somehow making it so that we could actually arrange our farms in the little farm grid thingy!! You know??? So that I could choose to make farms 1, 2 and 3 my crops farms.....4, 5 and 6 my facilities farms etc.

You guys are really special. Your game is really special and set apart from others in so many wonderful, refreshing ways. I tell people all the time...QUIT SENDING ME OTHER GAME INVITES..............I ONLY PLAY FARMTOWN!!

Love you guys!!! It was so much fun to go to the realtors office and see it packed!! lol


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