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Old Apr 06 2017, 11:11 PM
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Raenie Raenie is offline
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Location: Massachusetts, USA
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Raul just added this information:
For the trees, flowers, crops, etc, the counter is not technically necessary because that's why the shadow/transparent items are for, when there is a shadow/transparency on the items you click (crops, trees, etc) this means that the operation on those items has not completed yet on the server.

Again, you can just ignore that counter and continue doing the same thing you have been doing.

Or you can use it in your favor, for example if the counter starts to go up abnormally, you know there are some issues with the game, servers, or internet connection somewhere between your computer and our servers.

I have been having problems with the game timing out over the last 2 weeks or so. I noticed that when I manually hit the save key, things *would* be saved, and the game continued... otherwise it would hang up and kick me offline. Maybe they need to tweak those things a little more before they are perfect.

At least now I know that it's something that will "resettle" again, given a little time ... (grins

Thanks for your help Taz.
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