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Old May 17 2018, 12:36 AM
Stephent1 Stephent1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 31 2010
Posts: 21

Too bad buying new farms is so expensive! Also, the relative comparison between the cost of many items (like new farms), when bought with Coins, seems way out of line with the reward for doing so! For example, getting a "Bonus" of 1,000 XPs when you spend billions of Coins to buy a new farm just isn't reasonable, when I get 1,000 XP's for spending only thousands or millions of Coins to buy Facilities. This relativity issue also exists when farm cash is used to buy things - whether new Farms, Facilities or whatever! I strongly suggest it's time the developers look at the relativity of what is spent and the Bonus for doing so, to bring them more in line! This change would especially help newer players (significantly below level 925) who are willing to spend real cash to buy Farm Cash, and get rewarded appropriately for doing so!