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Old Jan 02 2017, 08:51 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 935

Originally Posted by ladydiva0 View Post
I have a life outside of farmtown! I use to enjoy the game but this is the worst thing to happen to it. I don't want to be at my computer 24/7 to get my ships loaded and launched. and everyone sending messages to neighbors when their ship just arrived in their port. The timing of the launch of this feature was the worst timing ever. It's making for a very unfriendly game. Neighbors are removing neighbors, people are unfriending people, it has brought out the worst in people. I can see what would happen in a SHTF situation. I want the friendly atmosphere of the game back
Ladydiva, I'm loving the ships but I definitely understand what you're saying about the unfriendly feelings. I've been pretty much glued to my computer because for about a week I was staying with a friend who was hospitalized so I had nothing to do but FT. However, I'm home now and last night went to a party - gone maybe 5 hours. I dispatched all neighbor ships before I left for the party and as soon as I got back to my car, I pulled out my phone, opened Puffin and dispatched new ones that had come in (about 7 of them). However, during that time, I had received two messages from a neighbor - asking me to move his ship. He sent the messages an hour apart and had eventually decided to skip me. NOW . . . here's the deal . . . my first reaction was to feel all defensive - hurt and huffy because I've been SUCH a good neighbor, yada yada. But then I (being a psychologist so I think weird like this) thought, "WAIT a minute. Yes I AM being a good neighbor! How many people would grab their phone and load ships on Puffin before driving the hour home just to get to neighbor ships faster? Anyone who has a problem with me can skip me or unfriend me or whatever they want to do, but I'm being a good neighbor and I'm loving the ships - so don't let this one guy ruin in for you."

Ironically, one of the things I've been asking for is a way where we can notify people if our ships are stuck. But when I got notified, I didn't like it. And the guy was as NICE as could be. No complaints at all about how he phrased it. Even taught me how to do ships if I wasn't doing them. So . . . again, the psychologist in me . . . realized that it had been all my own stuff that got me upset. Once I figured that out, I wasn't upset anymore and am back to loving the ships.
My cat's account, Farmer Squeak, needs neighbors. Please add her if you have room:

Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.
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