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Old Oct 22 2014, 06:15 PM
Courtney Cotton Courtney Cotton is offline
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Join Date: Oct 22 2014
Location: in the dogbox
Posts: 2

Can anyone tell me which are the next ten facilities we are getting the bonus belts from in the lastest update please?

I'm not sure where we were upto before the update and as I like to make sure I get all of my bonuses slowly to get the best from them, ie not five all at once one after the other on the same product, I fill those facs manually until the first bonus pops up and then I stop when I have my five allowable bonuses.
I also have all the boxes unticked in those facs so they don't get filled when I use the facility manager, once I've had all the bonuses we are back to normal again. It takes a bit more time of course, just call me a FT nut!