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Old Mar 28 2009, 09:05 PM
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cmerry cmerry is offline
Join Date: Mar 27 2009
Location: NY, NY
Posts: 20

Would you be able to teach us phrases in German? Useful things that regular everyday people speak? I find translation sites do a bad job or sound too formal. What are cool phrases and everyday things people say to each other in German that you would hear in real conversation between friends?

Some things I would like to know are like this:
I hope you're feeling better!
What the heck does that mean?
No way!
You're not serious are you?
Break a leg
I hope this is a huge success!
That was so cute
That was so bizarre
Have a great weekend
Long day!
What's up, hope you are fine and happy and all that good stuff.

If this is a boring thing to do that's okay i just thought I'd ask! I have German friends I would love to use the language more at least in writing them They'd be surprised to have me using their language!