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Old Mar 24 2015, 01:24 AM
Fokus Fokus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 15 2015
Posts: 31

Actually I was going to mention the same thing - all trees need to be scaled properly. I have never seen an Orange tree produce just one orange for example but it take a whole tree to make 1 orange juice or whatever. With the amount of product in the game that require Arabic Gum it takes at least 20000 trees for my farms to keep up with production. This causes farmers to plant a stupid amount of trees on their farms, stacking trees on crops, lagging out the servers etc.

Everyone I try to hire at the market place hates doing trees because it causes them to lag out, not only that they get no XP for their work compared to the easy peasy harvesting/plowing everyone wants and needs to level - so trees are a pain in the butt - and flowers are even worse. Trees should be 2XP each and Flowers 3XP each IMHO.

I suggest you scale trees to produce a real world amount eg. 100 per tree so I need 2000 not 20000. It's only common sense.