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Old May 22 2019, 06:43 PM
frostyvb56 frostyvb56 is offline
Join Date: Aug 27 2010
Posts: 21
Default upgrade

thanks for the upgrade. it is much appreciated. couple requests for the future

1. have colors change so *** fields are plowed they become say black or gray when planted a green color something different from now, so it can be seen easier.
2. less Farm Cash and more coins. with this release IF I wanted to do it all today I would need a total of 337 Farm Cash. In American dollars I will have to spend at least $60.00 to have that much. I can not even make that in one month completing quests.

there has to come a point where something is given to the users who have been with you for a long time and invested lots of time and money already

enough is enough already. I also expect this comment will either be edited or deleted ..

a very unhappy user