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Old Feb 21 2018, 12:00 AM
RozeeS RozeeS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 14 2010
Posts: 73

Originally Posted by Kenn318 View Post
While working as a super neighbor, the tools change too quickly and the last item that needs to be harvested doesn't get harvested correctly.
I am having this problem too it is leaving crops on the farm unharvested, trees and flowers. The tool is changing to quickly to the next when there is only a few of those left to harvest. I have had to go back several times to catch them all.

I have found this not so much a problem on farms where there are no crops on the farm as the tool goes back to select those trees and flowers unharvested. But when you have crops on the farm and only want them harvested it keeps selecting the plough option before it goes back to flowers and trees that have been unharvested. I don't want to plough before finding if there are trees or flowers that have been missed. I'm sorry but I don't like this new way it is making work when items are being missed.

It is so much easier when replanting crops to see where one has replanted when the the fields have been harvested and not ploughed.

It seems you don't want us to have a choice of harvesting and ploughing separately. Not all of us want to harvest and plough at the same time.

I hope you can put this back to how it was yesterday before the update. Feeling a bit annoyed at the moment sorry!

Last edited by RozeeS; Feb 21 2018 at 12:50 AM.