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Old Jun 23 2016, 02:12 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 716

"Known Issues

- There are still some fishing bugs that will be fixed next Monday:

a) When fishing you will find some extra duplicated (Large) fish in your storage, these will go away on the next game reload
b) When moving water items using the Free Style Designer hands, they always default to the original rotation, in the meantime, use the Rotate option from the item menu
c) Some users are finding rivers and lakes in their harvest storage, if you reload the game these should go away as well

- We just confirmed that the latest update of Chrome introduced a few issues:

a) Some text is thinner and more difficult to read
b) Using the mouse wheel in full screen mode is generating mouse clicks as well

They are aware of the problem and working on a solution."
Thanks for the suggestion about the rotate function in the menu. It does not help when overlapping bodies of water, but at least their orientation can be kept.

As for the mouse wheel generating random clicks in full screen, it appears to be happening in other browsers using the Chromium kernel (such as Opera) and also in other games!

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.