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Old Jul 08 2010, 12:45 AM
Indigo Rose Indigo Rose is offline
Join Date: Jul 15 2009
Location: Perth. Western Australia.
Posts: 41

Whinge time.

I've been playing for well over a year now though when I got to level 40 I stopped hiring people, quicker & easier to do things myself. Since then there have been huge changes and FT is so much more interesting. One of the biggest changes is the MP, I can't believe how it and the people have changed.
No one that eventually comes to the farm wants to chat, not that I want to spend my time chatting but half the time I don't get a hello, thanks, nothing, unbelievable. Some harvest the cheaper crop and leave the dearer or they leave plots here and there. I only hire one person but will get more if it's to much and the person doesn't want to do it all. I will only hire people that will harvest and plow, I can't be bothered trying to find different people wanting to do different things.
As for the fishing, waste of time and wouldn't ask anyone to waste their time doing it for me.

Whinge over. LOL.
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