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Old Jun 27 2015, 12:17 AM
GRB GRB is offline
Join Date: Mar 23 2014
Location: Texas
Posts: 94

Right on, you play at your pace, As my dad would say, quit trying to keep up with the Jones. Play as much as you can, but do not take from real life. I also have never expanded with FC, FC is for facilities, make the coins and expand the farms as much as you can. The more you expand the more coins you make. Don't compete, just play and have fun. I play for solitude, yeah i play hard and play to gain but that is my choice. And yes I have bought FC to get the facilities that I need for quests, but again, that is my choice, I work hard and indulge extra into FarmTown, which I believe is the greatest game going. Yeah, some things are hard but it is again my choice to play that way.
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