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Old Sep 26 2014, 04:51 AM
Grammy 11 Grammy 11 is offline
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Location: Venice, FL
Posts: 404

Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan View Post
Hmmmm . . . I'm a little concerned about this, too. For example, my first co-op quest is to load 10 scrabble games in a facility. I've worked it to the point where I now need to buy/sell a scrabble game. Seems like that is VERY unlikely to happen. So does that mean this quest is just dead in the water? If that's the case - if there are no other ways to finish it - that's not going to keep people motivated, I don't think. The tendency is going to be to look at a quest, see that it has an unlikely item at the very end and then just not start it. Why go to the trouble to even begin it if you can tell up front that it's probably not going to happen. And frankly, I haven't been paying attention, but I assume I've been using coins to buy the various items I've needed for this quest so if that's the case, there's a penalty for even trying an unlikely/long-shot kind of quest. Maybe we need some tweaks here? Some other way we can get the unlikely items? Otherwise, I think the co-op quests will only appeal to a few and their success is tied to being able to appeal to lots of folks.

More yellow flags would help, right?