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Old Apr 15 2014, 08:12 AM
anotherfarmer anotherfarmer is offline
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Join Date: Dec 23 2009
Posts: 65

Thanks for update and new goodies but must say I do NOT like the new mouse over idea on each facility to see if needs loading or not, before could just look for green pending and click and all was loaded = quick and easy but the mouse over slows it down so much to see if loaded or not and if I missed one before I could tell as said with green pending but now if I forget where up to have to mouse over each and every one ..... really NOT liking it at all with so many to do simple and easy was better this new way is slower and timely which trying to avoid as game gets bigger and more fact to load, PLEASE PLEASE consider putting it back the way it was...... keep game simple and easy thank you