Thread: Official Top Post Thread Quests
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Old Mar 06 2025, 07:09 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 969

I have questions about a Employee lifeline I have on a Chicken with Rice quest on Farmer Squeak's account (100003545226144). I assumed Squeak would be able to get what she needed by working at Farmer Susan's (her SNs) quest farm, where there's at least 4 of all crops needed for quests. I harvested 1 box of rice but noticed that Squeak got no credit for it. I came here and read and I had NOT realized that you only get a percentage of what you harvest, so maybe that's it for the rice. But before I use up all of what Farmer Susan has trying to figure it out, I thought I'd ask some questions here:

1. It works with SNs, right? And I notice that it says they have to be "hired" - is being a SN with permissions to harvest considered being hired or do they have to meet someplace so Susan can actually hire Squeak?

2. I found out that Farmer Susan forgot to plan saffron this week. What are other options for Squeak? She pretty much has to complete the quest today or risk losing it. There may be other steps she can't complete on Susan's quest farm because of the percentage thing.

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.
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