Thread: Official Top Post Thread Plowing, Seeding Or Harvesting
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Old Dec 02 2023, 10:28 PM
NJones277 NJones277 is offline
Join Date: Aug 12 2009
Posts: 245

The last few days, my crops have been all mixed up. My farm 21 illustrates this very well. Today I even had some wasted crops on Farms 4 and 7. When you plant a field, then go to plant another one on the same farm, the first one goes away, so you can see that all is planted as it should be. I irrigate every farm every day when the screen goes back to show the complete farm. When I'm finished working all the farms, I reload the game and check to make sure everything is irrigated/fertilized. There's no way that I should have wasted crops or mixed crops. My farms have not been touched, as far as layering goes, for years, so that's not the problem. Please advise. Thanks
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