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Old Jun 14 2023, 08:47 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default Report Abuse and Block!

Report Abuse and Block!

Reporting users for no valid reason can get the farmer reporting them a ban!

Examples of when to use Report and Block:
  • Someone is being abusive or sending abusive messages perhaps of a sexual nature.
  • A farmer has an offensive farm design like one of a sexual nature.
  • A farmer has an offensive avatar name like one of a sexual nature.
  • Someone is advertising bots or auto clickers in game - NONE are provided by Slashkey!! These can slow down the game for everyone including those that do not use them, which is why there are limits in place and those limits can change at a moments notice depending on server load.
  • hacking or threatening to hack your Farm Town account.
  • other bad language or bad behaviour that does not come under irritating or annoying or argumentative.

    Do NOT use report for complaining about someone not completing work on farms!!

    You only need to send ONE report!

    If other farmers are having the same problem with the same user, they must also report the offender themselves!!

    Make sure that you Report at the time the problem occurred.
    Then the report will include what was said or sent to you via messages and will show on their account.
    Reporting something not offensive will not be useful to see what was happening at that time.

Using the Avatar Menu:
  • Click on their Avatar and check if they are a Neighbour or Buddy, you will likely want to remove them from your own Neighbour/Buddy Lists as well as visiting their farm to remove yourself from their Neighbour/Buddy List.

    When you are ready to Report scroll down the menu, then click on Report Abuse.

  • You will be asked to confirm

  • Click on the green check mark to Report and Block that farmer, or click on the red X to cancel.

  • When you click on the green check the Report Incident Window will open.

    Please complete it before you Send it.
    In the Type section there is a drop down filter that you can click on. Scroll down and click on the option that fits your report.

    You can also add more information in the description box.

    When you have completed the form, click on the Send button at the bottom of that window. Click on Cancel if you change your mind.

    After Reporting and Blocking...
    The Report will then be sent and that information added to their account.
    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.
    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.
    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.
    They do not get notified by the game that you have Reported and Blocked them.

The Report Icon to the left side of the chat window.
Should ONLY be used IF the chat that offended you is still showing in the chat box and is very recent.

  • The Report Abuse icon is near the top left of the chat box.
    Click on the Red Flag.

    You will then see a window showing the most recent chat.
    As you mouseover each farmers chat line it will turn yellow.

  • Click on the chat line of the farmer that you want to Report and Block and it will turn blue to show it's been selected.

    Then Click on the check mark at the bottom of that window to Proceed or the X to cancel.

  • When you Proceed, you will then see a popup asking you to confirm.

  • Click on the green check mark to Report and Block that farmer, or click on the red X to cancel.

  • When you click on the green check the Report Incident Window will open.

    Please complete it before you Send it.
    In the Type section there is a drop down filter that you can click on. Scroll down and click on the option that fits your report.

    You can also add more information in the description box.

    When you have completed the form, click on the Send button at the bottom of that window. Click on Cancel if you change your mind.

    After Reporting and Blocking...
    The Report will then be sent and that information added to their account.
    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.
    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.
    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.
    They do not get notified by the game that you have Reported and Blocked them.

Using the Report Icon on received Messages.

NEVER reply to any offensive messages. If you have not blocked them, they can use the message you sent to them, to reply back to you and the cycle will continue.
  • By not responding, they can not use the message you may reply with to contact you again. If you block them then they can't use any other methods to contact you again either.
  • If they already have a message from you to use, do not reply to any subsequent messages! The message they are using to contact you will disappear from their in game messages as they get new messages that will replace the one that you sent.
  • In the same respect, any messages that they have already sent to you before you blocked them, will be replaced by new messages that you get from other famers.

You need to report the message that has the offensive content so that it will show in the report that gets sent, and you need to do that before it gets replaced by other farmers sending you new messages.
  • Open the message you wish to report.
    The red flag Report Abuse icon is bottom right of the message.

  • Click on the red flag to Report that message.

  • You will be asked to confirm

  • Click on the green check mark to Report and Block that farmer, or click on the red X to cancel.

  • When you click on the green check the Report Incident Window will open.

    Please complete it before you Send it.
    In the Type section there is a drop down filter that you can click on. Scroll down and click on the option that fits your report.

    You can also add more information in the description box.

    When you have completed the form, click on the Send button at the bottom of that window. Click on Cancel if you change your mind.

    After Reporting and Blocking...
    The Report will then be sent and that information added to their account.
    You will no longer be able to see them on farms, at markets, the Inn or at the Realtor Office in Farm Town.
    You will no longer see anything they say in farm town chat windows.
    They will no longer be able to communicate with you via in game messages or in chat.
    They do not get notified by the game that you have Reported and Blocked them.

If you make a mistake and Ignore/Block the wrong farmer you will need to Unblock them. CLICK HERE to go to the post on how to Unblock.

These methods do not block a user in the forum. If you know their username for the forum and wish to block them in the forum so that you don't see their posts, receive any messages or emails from them in the forum, please click on this link for instructions:

Before you remove any farmer that may also be on of your Neighbours or Buddies, it is up to you to make sure that you visit their farm to check and Remove yourself as their Neighbour or Buddy before you remove them from your own Neighbour or Buddy list.

Removing a Neighbour from your own Neighbour list also removes any Super Neighbour permissions.

Moderators and Support unlikely to be in the game at the same time you are, or even in the same areas where the problems may be happening to be able to see it.

It is up to you to act accordingly when you see a problem and either block/ignore or report if necessary.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 19 2023 at 06:09 PM.