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Old May 24 2023, 05:36 PM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default Allow Management of Trains

Allow Management of Trains

The Super Neighbour setting for Allow Management of Trains will allow your Super Neighbour to manage your trains.

This includes dispatching and unloading your trains and also boosting your friends trains. They will be able to do this via the Train Manager within the Visitor Toolbox when they visit your farm.

Super Neighbours can NOT send train boosts for your own trains. You must do that yourself.

If you are participating in the Farm Pass feature, please make sure that you communicate with your Super Neighbour regularly as there are goals for dispatching/unloading and boosting friends trains so there may be times when you will need to to those yourself to complete train goals!

Super Neighbours can complete some of their own Farm Pass Goals for unloading/dispatching and boosting trains by using your Trains or your friends train boosts in your Train Manager.

To enable this setting you need to add the check mark for either Permanently Hired for Management OR for Allow Management of Trains. It does not matter which on you add the check mark to, both check marks will be added.
Then click on the green check mark to save the change. Click the red X to cancel the change.

When you have set this permission for a Super Neighbour they will be able to access your Train Manager by going to your farm and using the Visitor Toolbox showing bottom left of their game screen. Your avatar name will show up next to Visiting to the left of the toolbox.

If there are train boosts from your friend's there will be a number on that tool box.

When they click on the Toolbox to open it, the Train Manager Icon will no longer be greyed out.

If they do not have permission for Train Management the Train Manager icon will be greyed out.

If there are train boosts from your friends then there will also be a number showing on the Train Manager icon. If there is no number showing you do not have any train boosts from friends.

When they click on the Train Manager it opens.

If there are trains to unload and dispatch they will be showing up in the Trains Section.

The blue buttons to Unload or Dispatch will show up on any of your trains that need unloading or dispatching.

IMPORTANT Information about Earning the Mayor Bonus when your Super Neighbours are unloading/dispatching your trains!

Your Super Neighbour MUST pay attention when unloading and dispatching your trains to make sure that when you already qualify for earning the Mayor bonus that you can still continue to earn it even when they are managing your trains.

IF they unload too many trains that qualify, without dispatching them, and try to unload another one they will see the background colour for your trains that help you qualify for the bonus turn pink AND a warning popup will show that they need to read.

Example of the pink background on trains that have the requirement to earn the Mayor bonus:
This picture shows 6 trains that have been unloaded but not dispatched that have the train requirement to earn the mayor bonus.

When the background colour of a train is pink, this means that you do not have 3 trains (with at least 10 Long cars) in the dispatched or ready to unload state, that you need to be able to earn the Mayor Bonus.

The Warning looks like this:

When your Super Neighbour sees that popup they MUST click on the red X to cancel unloading the train.

IF your Super Neighbour ignores the warning and clicks on the green check mark instead of the red X to cancel, the train will be unloaded and you will not have earned the Mayor bonus!

When your Super Neighbour has dispatched enough of your trains the background of your trains changes back to white.

If there are train boosts from your friends, they will be showing up in the Boost Other's Trains section
and a blue Boost button will be showing.

When your Super Neighbour boosts one of your friends trains they are rewarded with the products:

Super Neighbours can NOT boost their own train train boosts if they sent you any. They will not be able to see their own boosts in your Train Manager.

There is no reward for Super Neighbours that unload and dispatch your trains.

When your Super Neighbour dispatches your train there is also a brief notification.

When a Super Neighbour unloads one of your trains, you get the products and any mayor bonus when they unload one.
They will see the notification the train was unloaded, amount of products you received and any mayor bonus earned:

When your Super Neighbour is done with your trains they close the Train Manger by clicking the red X top right of the window.

Last edited by Tiger; Sep 18 2023 at 08:12 AM.