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Old May 20 2023, 07:01 AM
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Default How to use the Neighbours Bar at the bottom of my game screen.

How to use the Neighbours Bar at the bottom of my game screen.

When you first start playing Farm Town you don't have any Neighbours yet so you would only see your own Avatar box in your Neighbours bar at the bottom of your game screen.

As you add Neighbours they will also be added to the Neighbours bar for you to see along with Avatar names, avatar picture, profile pictures if they have one and and other information.

Your own avatar and information will also be showing there.

This is an example of a farmers Neighbours Bar:
On the right side it contains the basic tools you start out with on Farm Town.

This farmer (David) has 2 neighbours, Angel and Hetty which are to the left of his own picture.
David's own profile box has a darker yellow background. This makes it easier for you to spot your own box when you have far more neighbours.

Angel's box has a dark red background. She has set her Avatar status as Unavailable as she is away for a few days on Vacation. This can help you when you need to know how long a farmer is likely to be away for, for various features in the game. It can also help your faming friends know you are way without needing to message them. To go to How to set your status as Unavailable and how to check how long another farmer is Unavailable for which includes Buddies CLICK HERE

Hetty's box has a pale yellow background. She has not set her status as unavailable as she is expecting to play regularly.

This is bigger example of what you could see in the neighbours bar. It's easier to read and explain all the coloured dots you may see on a neighbour and the various numbers shown.

As you get more Neighbours, you will see that your own box will has a darker yellow background. This helps when you want to order your Neighbours bar by specific categories. In the above example it's ordered by Online Statuses so David's online Neighbour is shown to the right of his box.

All your neighbours will have the pale yellow background in their box unless they have set their status as Unavailable like Angel has so she has a red background.

Each box contains the farmers Avatar Name at the top.
Under the Avatar name is their profile picture.
Under the profile picture is their Avatar picture (head only) which can help you to identify them when you meet up where other farmers are.

Small black number towards the top left of each box, is your position amongst your neighbours according to how you choose to Order the neighbours bar. When Ordering by Co-operative Quests farmers are listed from highest to lowest experience points.

The white number on a round green background are yours and each of your neighbours game level.

Below the avatar pictures the numbers change according to what you Order the neighbours bar by.

The order you see your Neighbours listed by can also change according to what you Order the neighbours bar by.

What are the coloured dots?

Green dot shows when you or your Neighbour are online in the game.

Red dot is your Super Neighbour. Super Neighbours are explained in Chapter 06 - Super Neighbours

Purple dot. You are their Super Neighbour. Super Neighbours are explained in Chapter 06 - Super Neighbours

Blue dot means that farmer has at least one co-operative quest open. Co-operative Quests are explained in Chapter 28 Quests

Beige dot means that farmer has trading offers in the Trading Warehouse. Buying, Selling Trading are explained in Chapter 10

The yellow boxes with the blue silhouette can be clicked on to send a Neighbour request to a farmer. You will need their farm ID to be able to enter the ID into the box that shows.
Any farming friend can get their own farm ID by scrolling down past the yellow box underneath their game screen and look for the number showing after Your USER ID number is:

Enter the number using your computer keyboard, then click on Send Neighbour Request.

If the ID is invalid, when you click on Send Neighbour Request, you will that see in red text like this and the request will not be sent:

If the ID is valid but that farmer is already your Neighbour, when you click on Send Neighbour Request, you will see this:

If they are not already a Neighbour, when you click on Send Neighbour Request you will see this type of message.

Click on the green check mark to send the Request:
Clicking on the red X cancels sending the request.

When you send the request you will then also see a brief notification that it was sent:

If they accept they then become one of your Neighbours. If you know that they have accepted it but you are not seeing them in your Neighbour bar yet, try reloading the game for the data to update.

Even when your Neighbour List is full there will always be more of those boxes to the left.

As you progress through the game you will find you need neighbours for your 3rd farm, working facilities, quests, trains, ships and other features.

You can visit Neighbours farms by using the neighbour bar at the bottom of your game screen.
Farmers that have you as their Neighbour also come and see your farm using their own Neighbour bar. Those that have you as their Buddy can use the Buddy list to visit you.

To visit a Neighbour click on their picture in that bar and you will see a menu like this:

When you scroll down the list and click on "Visit xxx Farm" you will be taken to their farm.

If you have not visited them that day you will see a message asking you to do a quick job to tend to their farm, it's just a couple of clicks. You will earn 30 xp's for each neighbor whose farm you tend (watering, raking, etc) within a 24-hour period up to a limit of 100 visits. After that you will earn 1 xp. You can only tend each neighbor once a day.

To Return back to your own farms, click on the Home icon bottom right of your game screen.

Send a Message opens a message box for you to be able to send that farmer a message. Neither of you need to be online for you to send it.

Send Gift opens the Gift Manager so that you can pick a gift to send to that Neighbour.

Sell Products allows you to sell products to a farmer which can be things like crops, trees, fish etc. You must both be online to be able to do this.

Show Trading Warehouse shows you the farmers Trading Warehouse, any offers of products that they are selling which you can buy and you can sell them what they need if you have it.

Join XXX sends a request to that farmer to meet up with them. You both need to be online and if they accept, you will be taken to where they are. You can not join them if they are on a Private farm as only farm owners can go to their Private Farms. If this happens you will be sent to a different farm that is not private.

Ask XXX to Join You sends a request to that farmer to ask them to come to where you are. You both need to be online and if they accept, they will come to where you are. They can not join you if you are on a Private farm as only you can go it. If this happens they will be sent to a different one of your farms that is not private.

Show Co-operative Quests shows you their co-operative Quests that are open. If there are none open you won't see any. You would see a yellow help note on a Quest and a Sell button if they need help. You will see a BUY button on any of their Quest steps if you can buy from them for one of your own Co-operative quest steps that doesn't have a green check mark yet.

Set as Super-Neighbour or Edit Super Neighbour allows you to set a Neighbour as a Super Neighbour and give or alter permissions for them to help you with your farms. The edit option allows you to edit those settings later or remove the Super Neighbour Permissions.

Remove as Neighbour Allows you to Remove them from your own Neighbour list. You will see a popup asking you to confirm. That popup has an extra option that you can add a check mark to also remove yourself from their Neighbour list.

Click the green check mark to proceed. Click the red X to cancel.

When you remove a Neighbour, it also removes any Super Neighbour permission you gave them. It does not remove them as a Buddy. You can do that from the Farmers Lists.

The "Order by xxx" section will let you change the order in which your neighbours are displayed in the Neighbours bar.

Use the arrows to the right of the bar to see more neighbours.

  • Order by Online: Will show you neighbours that are online in the game, listed from highest XP to lowest. Refresh Online Statuses shows when you have used the By Online option and clicking on Refresh Online Statuses will update the Neighbours bar as some farmers many have gone offline and some may have come online

  • Order by Level: Sorts the bar from highest level and XP amount to the lowest.

  • Order by Farm Pass: Sorts the bar by those who are participating in the Farm Pass feature and will show the farm pass points instead of XPs at the bottom of each neighbour.

  • Order by Best Diversification: Sorts by highest to lowest diversification numbers. This can be found in the Facility Manager and helps govern your buying limit. The more facilities you have at 100% production, the better the score.

  • Order by Help Given: Sorts the bar by highest to lowest help given points.
    Points are earned for things like sending gifts/bonuses/ingredients, boosting trains. This tends to update once per day or every time your neighbour loads the game.
  • Order by Co-operative Quests: Neighbours doing co-operative quests are always to the right of your box. The rest are listed to your left in XP order high to low. The little number top left of each box and has a yellow background changes and tells you how many neighbours you have that currently have at least one co-operative quest open, this includes you if you are doing them. If not, the number you are looking for is the first neighbour to your right who has a blue dot.

  • Order by Trade Offers: Neighbours that have Trade offers will be shown to the right of you, listed in XP order.

  • Order by Super Neighbour: Your super neighbours have a red dot. If you are super neighbour for a neighbour, they will have a purple dot.

  • Order by Names: Names with a symbol first will show first, then names with numbers at the front of the name, then by A-Z.

    * This Asterisk at the front of any Order By List is there to indicate which order you are currently using.
    When you change the order, the Asterisk changes to the front of the new list.

Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 02:32 PM.