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Old Aug 25 2022, 11:03 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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Gifts, Ingredients, Send Bonuses Goals

Daily Goals (blue background) need to be competed that day. The following day you will get new goals regardless if they have all been completed or not.

Seasonal goals (green background) - in this case you can complete them over several days or longer as long as you get them done before the season ends.

A Blue Silhouette on the picture means you need to help your farmer friends.

Gifts Goals

Where there is a RED gift box showing AND a Blue Silhouette You need to SEND gifts to friends. You don't send a specific gift. Any gift sent from the gift page will count. This example requires 12.
You can use the Other Wall Requests page to send requested gifts.
In the example below, clicking Send Hen Eggs will show Gift Sent if you are able to send one, it will show Already sent if you can not send one.
Pink Backgrounds mean a gift has already been sent.

You can use the Send Gift Section of the Gift Manager to send Gifts.


Where there is ONLY a RED gift box showing and NO Blue Silhouette. You need to ACCEPT gifts.
In this case it's not a specific gift so you can accept/exchange any gifts and it will count towards your goal. ONE gift per farmer counts. This example requires a gift to be accepted from 12 different farmers.


When there is a picture of a specific gift AND the RED gift box showing.
This example shows 2 gifts of Cinnamon Tree needed. You only need to accept the amount the goal requires. Farming friends must send that specific gift.

The gift chosen in the goal is picked at random. If you don't need or want it, you can accept just enough to complete the goal then sell them at market if you don't want to store them to use later.
  • EXCHANGING other gifts you have received for a specific gift item, like the Cinnamon Tree in this Goal does NOT work for this type of goal! You need specific gifts that are sent after that goals is seen to accept to complete the goal.

    There may be times where you may want to ask friends to send you that particular gift. There are several ways to request some of the gifts showing on the Send Gift page if you want to request a specific gift:

  • If you have a gifted tree/flower that is already on your farm. You can click on it and then click on it to request that specific item.

    Using the Cinnamon tree as an example you could find a cinnamon tree on your farm and click on it to request it as a gift which will then post to the Other Wall Requests page.

  • If you already have a gift matching the goal in your My Gifts section of the Gift Manager you can request that gift by clicking on More on that gift. That will then show up to your farming friends in the Other Wall Requests page.

  • If you have a Pending Gift item in your Gift Manager, you could exchange just 1 gift for the gift that you need and THEN go to My Gifts and click on More on that specific gift to request it. That will then show up to your farming friends in the Other Wall Requests page.

  • If you don't have a particular gifted tree or flower on one of your farms OR your level is too low to be able to exchange gift to request a gift that unlocks at a higher level, you could send a message either in game or via Facebook to ask your friends that are a higher level to send you them. When they read your message, if they have not already sent you a gift they can click on the Gift Box Icon on your message to search for and send the gift that you need.

  • Farming friends can also send you a specific gift using either the Gift Manager to Send the Gift or they can send the requested gift by clicking on your Gift request in the Other Wall Requests page.


Ingredients Packs Goals - DARK BROWN gift box
When you mouseover these 2 types of goals you will see the phrase Ingredient Packs.

You will either be sending ingredients to other farmers that they have requested.
You can ONLY request 5 ingredients in a 12 hour period.

OR you will be requesting them yourselves and being sent them.
You can ONLY be SENT 1 ingredient per farmer in a 12 hour period.

Daily Goals (blue background) need to be completed that day.
Seasonal Goals (green background) need to be completed before the end of the season.

Ingredient Packs are what are requested when you or a friend opens a regular facility then clicks on the the green plus sign on a product to request the ingredients to make that product.

Farming friends requesting ingredients will show up in the Other Wall Requests section of My Requests.

You will NOT see your own requests for ingredients in the Other Wall Requests.

Brown gift box AND a Blue Silhouette showing means YOU send other farmers Ingredient Packs.
This example shows a total of 3 Ingredient Packs need to be sent. You need to send ONE requested Ingredient Pack to 3 different farmers.
To send an Ingredient Pack, look in the Other Wall Requests page.

Any request that says Send Ingredients that does not have a pink background can be clicked on to send those ingredients to that farmer.

Those ingredients are referred to as Ingredient Packs.

ONLY One ingredient per farmer counts towards your goal.

If you need to send several Ingredient Packs to complete your goal, you need to send them to DIFFERENT farmers.

In the example below, clicking Send Ingredients will send that Ingredient Pack to that famer.
Pink Backgrounds mean an Ingredient Pack has already been sent.


ONLY a brown gift box and NO Blue Silhouette showing means OTHER Farmers need to send YOU Ingredient Packs which means that YOU need to request the Ingredients!
This example shows a total of 2 ingredient packs needed so 2 different farmers need to send you the ingredients you requested.

It doesn't matter which requested ingredient a farmer sends to you.
ONE per farmer will count towards your goal.
If you need several, they must be sent by DIFFERENT Farmers.

You request Ingredient Pack exactly the same way you request Ingredients to make a product in a facility. What gets sent, is called an Ingredient Pack.

To request an Ingredient Pack, open one of your regular facilities, not a service facility, not a non workable facility.

Each product that facility makes has a green + sign, click on the plus sign to request the ingredients to make that product and that will then post to the Other Wall Requests page.

You will not see your own Ingredient Requests there.

When your farming friends see that request either in Other Wall Requests and send it to you, when you reload the game it will be in your Gift Manager.
Each ingredient sent to you by different farmers counts towards your goal.


Send Bonuses - Belt Icon

Black Belt Icon and a Blue Silhouette means helping your farming friends by sending them a Belt or Dan Degree Bonus that they have earned for a product and posted to the Other Wall Requests page.
This example shows a total of 18 needed. To complete the goal this farmer needs to send one bonus to 18 different farmers who have posted Belts/Dans.

Daily Goals (blue background) need to be completed that day.
Seasonal Goals (green background) need to be completed before the end of the season.

To send a bonus, look in the Other Wall Requests page and look for a request that says Get Bonus that does NOT have a pink background, then click on Get Bonus to send them.

ONE per farmer will count towards your Goal.


A pink background on any request means you have already sent that farmer a bonus.

The bonus you send can be for any product and any Belt or Dan.

You can send ONE Bonus per farmer in a 12 hour period.

When you need to send several Bonuses to complete a goal, they need to be sent to different farmers.

Last edited by Tiger; Apr 16 2024 at 06:33 AM.