Thread: Official Top Post Thread Wall Request Issues
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Old Jul 11 2022, 12:55 PM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 716

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Qivis,
The number of posts shown in the wall requests stays the same. If less are posted then the list goes back farther. That amount doesn't change.
If their friends are reporting those posts then they will get blocked. The better way would be to limit who those posts go to like their neighbors. That way others won't see them and report for to many posts of that nature. As the belts get earned and we get past the flood of posts for those then things will settle down and less will get blocked for the multiple posts.
It happens each time a large number of bonuses are added due to the faulty algorithm, but it does not seem to happen to the same farmers every time. This is the first time it has ever happened to this particular farmer. He cannot post anything. If he mentions Farm Town, the algorithm blocks it. I meant that another of the farmers for which I have taken over cannot post even to complain about the Facebook algorithm saying he is posting too fast or has violated some non existent rule. And to think they prefer to be called Meta now! They cannot even get things right in THIS universe.

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.
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