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Old Jul 04 2022, 07:04 AM
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Default Faster Importing/Exporting- Trade Products

How to use the Trade Products section
for faster Importing and Exporting

What is Show Staging Areas?
What is + Capacity?
What is Check Products for?
What is Re-sell for?

The Trade Products of the Facility Chains Manger section will be quicker to use for Importing and Exporting especially for those with many chains or with many friends who are also importing and exporting perhaps several times a day.

Instead of going chain by chain in the My Chains section you can now go neighbour by neighbour, which speeds up the process by reducing the amount of clicks as you are only trading once with the same neighbour.

In the My Chains section you would have to open every single chain, import export from each friend, then close the window and repeat for every chain.

Click on the Trade Products section to turn the background colour to orange.

Show Staging Areas

Clicking 'Show Staging Areas' will show you the content of the staging area for each product used in that chain, including the staging area used space and free space. It shows you what has been exported to you for each product in that chain, and how much free space there is left. This is where the products that neighbours export to you go to before you import them. It holds up to 30 days worth of stock. You need to import regularly to keep your staging area free for anyone to be able to export to you.


With the introduction of the Trade Products section, staging areas were also be increased based on the following rules:

1. By default, the Staging Area capacity for a product is equal to how many you can produce in 30 days in a single facility, that is, 30 days worth of production

2. For each FarmCash facility chain you own, an extra 7 days worth of production will be added to each product Staging Area capacity in all your chains

3. You can increase your product Staging Area capacity up to 2 years (730 days) worth of production

Clicking on the +Capacity button will tell you both how your Staging Area capacity is calculated and ALSO towards the bottom of that message, how many Farm Cash chains you have and how many days worth your current Staging Area capacity is.

Example - In the following picture this user has 89 Farm Cash chains meeting the Chain Criteria.
You start with 30 days so 89 x7 is 623 plus 30 is 653:

Check Storage at the very top of the Window - allows you to see the Total amount of products that you can Export to all friends with room in their Staging areas.

The A-Z filter allows you to change the order your friends are viewed in to what you prefer:
Partners Name, Export Volume, Import Volume

In this section the Import and Export buttons are dark blue when you can Import, ReSell or Export and they will be greyed out when you can't.

As you will be importing/exporting everything per farmer, this section also shows you:
  • Cost of Importing per farmer so you can be sure that you are not going to import too many items and run out of coins. These products can then be used in your service facilities which are now more profitable because they are chains.

  • The value of what you could Export to each farmer - which is 100% more profitable compared to selling those products at the market.

    The ability to see how many products each neighbour has exported to you and how many products you can export to that neighbour, means that you have more information to prioritize the exports between your neighbours

Check Products - per friend allows you to see which and how many products can be imported from that friend or exported to that Neighbour.

Import - When this button is dark blue it allows you Import all products with one click of the Import from that friend. The total amount of products and the total cost are shown in each box,
When the button is greyed out you have nothing to Import from that friend yet.

Re-Sell - When this button is dark blue it allows you to instantly ReSell all imported products instead of storing them for future use in your service facility chains, this will be less profitable than using the products but will still allow you to make a quick profit rather than just sell them at market for the regular price.
You can also use this option if you don't have enough coins to import all products.
When the button is greyed out you have nothing to ReSell from that friend yet.

  • When this button is dark blue you can export to that neighbour.
    This rewards you with a 100% more profit than service facilites that are not part of a chain.

  • When the button is greyed out you can not Export to that friend yet.
    You may have no products to export or their staging areas are already full.

  • Remember you can ONLY export to Neighbours.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 08:23 AM.