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Default My Chains - How to Import/Export to Individual Chains

My Chains - How to Import/Export to Individual Chains

Once you have reached Chain Status you will start being able to store (export) products.

Before you try to Import or Export, make sure you have started products in your chains and the also stored them via your Facility Manager so you have something to be able use.

Open the Facility Chain Manager located in your tool box in the far left column.

Click on the My Chains section so that the background turns orange.
This is the section where you can Import and Export from each individual chain.

Top right of that window, clicking on the Check Benefits button will show you information on the Benefits of creating facility chains.

Also top right of that window the A-Z filter which you can click on allows you to filter the list you see to the order you prefer:
Imports First, Exports First, Name

How To Import:

The 'Import Products From' button will be green whenever there are products available to Import.

When you click on 'Import Products From' the Chain name is listed at the top and you will see who you can import from.

The information in each box will tell you how many products you can import from each friend.

The blue button underneath the profile pictures shows you the kind of relationship you have with that person:

Neighbour means you are that friends Neighbour and that freind ALSO has you as their Neighbour, meaning the Neighbour connection is both ways. You CAN see them in your Neighbours bar at the bottom of the game screen AND they can see you in THEIR Neighbors bar at the bottom of their own game screen.

Friend - that Friend has you as their Neighbour. In this case the Neighbour connection is only ONE way. Meaning that they can see you in THEIR Neighbors bar at the bottom of their own game screen BUT You do NOT have them as one of your Neighbours so you can NOT see them in when you look in your own Neighbours bar at the bottom of your own game screen.
There is nothing wrong with this you can help many farmers out by letting them have you as their neighbour even if you don't have room to add them as one of yours to make the connection both ways. The ONLY difference is that you can only Export to Neighbours. You can still be helped by them if you need to Import the products they send to you.

If the relationship shows you only Buddy or Non-Friend, that means that in the past you have been Facebook friends and they have sent you a neighbor request which you accepted so that farmer still has you as one of their neighbours. If it's been a long time you may not remember doing that or that either of you might have removed the friend connection.

If you do not wish to interact with that person you can remove yourself from being their neighbour or buddy. Click on the blue button beneath their picture to take yourself to their farm, then look bottom left of the screen for a yellow tool box and click on it. You will then see more icons:

Click on the icon at the top to remove yourself as their Neighbour. Click on the icon under that to also remove them as your Buddy.

Clicking on the blue Check Products in a specific friends box will show you which products and the quantity you can import from them.

Clicking on the blue Import button in a specific farmers box will then show you a popup asking you to confirm that you want to import those products from that friend.
There is a check box in that message that allows you to stop seeing that confirmation message every time you import in that session. Add the check mark to that box before you click the green check mark to confirm you want to import those products which will help if you have quite a few to import from.

Clicking the green check mark deducts the coins for importing and sends those products to your Harvest & Products Storage for you to use in your facilities which will be much more profitable to you when you stock them in your service chain when you cash out because service facility chains are from 50% to 100% more profitable than service facilities that are not part of a chain.

How To Export:

The A-Z filter top right of the window when clicked on will let you change the list you are viewing to the order you want to see them in.
  • Neighbour Import Capacity - this is the default setting. This will show the neighbours you can export the most products to at the top of the list.
  • Names - in Alphabetical order

A dark blue Export button means you don't have any products to Export yet. To get them you need to start batches in the facilities that are a part of your chain that makes them.

A Pale Blue Export Button can show for a few reasons.
You have products to Export to a specific chain but there is no room in your neighbours staging area to be able to Export. You will not be able to export to them until they have room in their staging area.

You have products to Export to Mulitple chains but only some of them have space in their staging areas. In this case you click the Pale Blue Button and any chains that you can export to will also have a dark blue Export button so you can Export to that chain.

The 'Export Products To' button will be GREEN when you have products available to Export, at least one of your neighbours owns a service chain that can stock those products and they have staging area space for those products.

Click on the Green Export Products To and you will see who you can export to, similar to the following picture, but they will be your neighbours.
There is information in each of your neighbours boxes:

The first line will tell you how many of your (Export) products can be exported to that particular neighbour *without considering* the limitation of that neighbour staging areas.

The second line will tell you how many of your (Export) products can be exported to that particular neighbour *considering* the limitation of the staging areas. If there is a 0 in this line it means that this neighbour has their staging areas full and they need to be emptied.

Clicking on the blue Export button will then show you a popup asking you to confirm that you want to Export those products to that friend.
If you have already cancelled the popup in the same session then clicking the Export button will no longer show until you reload.
If you have not already done it to cancel further popups in that session add the check mark to that box before you click the green check mark to confirm you want to export those products which will help if you have quite a few to export to.
Once you click the green check mark to confirm, you will be credited your reward coins and those products will be sent to that friend for them to Import.

If you only want to Export specific products:

in a Neighbours box will show you how many of which products you can export to them and allow you to export only specific products if you wish rather than all of the products possible.

Using Sell All:

will let you sell the products showing instead of Exporting them. Remember Exporting them earns you a profit of 100% of the selling price so it's always going to be better to export if you can.

Note: IF while Importing Exporting you see a generic facility icon to the right of the Import or Export buttons, you will also see above the graphic it says Multiple Facilities.
This means that you can import from or export to multiple chains. When you mouse over the generic facility icon you will see the list of the different chains that can be imported from or exported to.


Last edited by Tiger; Oct 12 2023 at 08:22 AM.