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Old Oct 16 2021, 09:50 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
Join Date: Mar 12 2010
Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
Posts: 9,721

November 13th, 6:50PM

In this update we released new content like farm expansions, facilities and a new Turbo Fish Farming Plant and also migrated old features to the new version of the game.

The section below shows the details on the new content released:

1. 12 New Thanksgiving decorations (released last week): 5 as gift, 5 at the top of the Thanksgiving category at the store and 2 at the bottom.

2. Next 52x52 farm expansions for Farms 16 through 30: They cost 50 FarmCash or 60000000000 Coins.

3. Turbo Fish Farming Plant (FC): This is a new facility that produces 3 times More Shrimp and Molluscs than the current Fish Farming Plant.

Note: This facility cost 84 Farm Cash, 3 times as much as the regular Fish Farming Plant, because it produces 3 times as much as well.

4. Other minor improvements:

- Added a new 'Rain' item, be patient in order to highlight it, just move your mouse slowly over the rain for a while until it turns yellow. This can become difficult or impossible if there are too many items behind the Rain.
- In most screens like Store and Storage the mouse wheel will scroll the content much faster, one mouse wheel notch will scroll the content one full page
- When returning to your own farms using the farm selector linked to the home icon, the highlighted farm will be the one linked to the 'LAST' button in the farm selector
- Avatars in public places like markets will have a maximum label text length of 32 characters, this will make the markets less cluttered

5. Fidget Toy Factory (Coins): Produces Fidget Toys.

Unicorn Pop It
Pop Tube
Monkey Noodle
Sensory Ring
Fidget Spinner
Marble and Mesh
Fidget Dimple

6. Singaporean Restaurant (FC): Produces Singaporean Food.

Chilli Crab
Fried Rice Noodles
Kaya Toast with Eggs
Singaporean Flatbread
Fish Head Curry
Minced Pork Noodles
Singaporean Carrot Cake
Durian Puffs

New Products from other facilities: Coconut Jam in the Jam and Jelly Factory.

7. Fidget Toy Store (Coins): Provides Fidget Toys Retail Services and can be stocked with products from the Fidget Toy Factory.

8. Taste of Singapore (FC): Provides Singapore Cultural Exchange and Food Tasting Services and can be stocked with products from the Singaporean Restaurant.

The section below shows the details about old features migrated to the new version and all bug fixes:
  • Enabled the Flower Freezer/Unfreezer tool
  • Enabled animation for all country flags. All flags are located in the Flags category in the store.
  • Enabled the special farm selector when you use the home button to return to your farms
  • In the Show Work Info screen, you can now click on each job type in the top-left color legend to update the screen content according to that job type only
  • Enabled the 'Report User' and 'Report Abuse' icons on top of the CHAT button to make it easier to report users for offensive behavior
  • Quest Icon at the very top should now behave like flash, changing image when quests are available and refreshing the numbers correctly

  • Bugfix: When meeting other players in a farm with animals their avatars moved randomly throughout the farm along with the animals
  • Bugfix: Add proper notification when trying to dispatch a ship without enough fuel available
  • Bugfix: The filter options in the Facility Manager and the Farmer Hiring screen were stretched vertically when playing in full screen
  • Bugfix: Moved the Highlight/Extent selector icons to the right edge of the screen when playing in non full screen
  • Bugfix: Multi-Planter not working when choosing trees or flowers from the giftbox
  • Bugfix: When moving several seasonal items from item storage to farm the storage screen scroll position is not remembered
  • Bugfix: Incorrect background color for the speaker icon at the top right actions bar
  • Bugfix: Display issues with some of the dropdown options in the Storage and Facility Manager Filter screens
  • Bugfix: After enabling visibility for plants like Crops, Flowers or Trees in your preferences sometimes the space around your avatar was empty
  • Bugfix: Sometimes Ships remained visible on farm even when they were disabled in the game preference options



Last edited by Tiger; Jan 28 2022 at 04:41 PM.