Thread: Official Top Post Thread Neighborhood Chains Contest
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Old Jul 10 2021, 05:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Enigma Cross View Post
I may be posting in the wrong place, or even posting a query that is not acceptable. I apologise if either is the case. USER ID number ( 698250740 )
From the messages I see under "competing neighbourhoods" it is explained that these groupings are made according to how well each neighbourhood is performing Please correct me if I am stating this incorrectlly. Just minutes after this weeks groupings became released I see the following neighbourhoods ranked as such ....
#1 >5M
#2 a little over 2M
#8 (me) 700K
How is it fair that first is over 2 times the points as 2nd immediately the grouping is made?
I see this often, although not this great a difference before, and it makes it very very challenging for anyone else in this group to have a decent chance of a placing. I don't expect any action on this weeks contest, but I do hope to see the groupings closer together in future. Give us all a reasonable chance of getting a place.
I took a screenshot, but it seems that I can't insert an image, only a link and I have no idea how to make a link for it.
Hi Enigma Cross,

The game can only pick competing neighbourhoods out of those who have decided to participate that are similar to what yours is at that time.

What each farmer or neighbour within a neighbourhood does in the NCC before and after the competing neighbouhoods are picked is up to them.

It's unlikely that you saw the competing neighbourhoods at the exact same time that your competitors did. Some may have started adding points far sooner than when you checked it yourself. When there's a big gap like that it just means that the ones with more points are able to fill and refill more often than a lower ranked neighborhood is currently doing.

There's nothing stopping anyone from adding more facilities to the contest after those were picked. It may also be that more friends are working facilities than there were before which enables them to refill them more often or it could be a combination of both.

I've seen gaps of millions of points in it over the years and seen low ranking ones managing to close that gap considerably and some cases overtake ones that started out with far more points than the lower ranked one had started out with.

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