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Old May 07 2021, 04:56 PM
pgold0541 pgold0541 is offline
Join Date: Dec 31 2020
Posts: 25

Originally Posted by marymarcel View Post
Hi Farmer Dibble

We just tried this at market.

I was hired but I let the 30 seconds past without accepting the request.
As soon as the time past, the request disappeared from my screen so I was not able to accept it.

The farmer trying to hire me, saw my avatar name turned yellow and then he received a message saying: No thanks, Im busy now. Maybe next time.

Did you receive that message from the farmer you have sent the hiring request? or did you only get the message saying they were accepting the job?

Edited to Add: We tried the hiring again. This time, I accepted the request in the very last second before the request disappeared.
The farmer hiring me saw my avatar name turned yellow and then he got the message I had accepted the job. The message was shown up almost inmediately.
That was the only way we were able to reproduce in part what you are reporting.

We think that maybe there is a delay for you between the farmer accepts the request at the very last second and you get the the message.
I think what Farmer Dibble is saying is that the change from orange to yellow is immediately and sometimes you get a message the person doesn't want, etc. When we first were able to hire from the market, this happened a lot or you couldn't hire anyone. This was happening to numerous people. We were told to go the Trade Market or the Inn and then back to the market. Sometimes that worked but most times I went back to my farm and waited a few minutes, go back to the market, and was able to hire. Later I thought I read this "glitch" had been fixed.