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Old Apr 30 2021, 03:08 AM is offline
Join Date: Aug 16 2009
Posts: 89
Default Fuel ... again

Originally Posted by marymarcel View Post
Hi rposer

The bigger the farms then the most fuel you use to work them.

Please check if you are allowing your fuel first in case you are hiring at market and also check the fuel usage for your superneighbor.

Please note the Oil Pump can not be worked by your friends so it produces a set amount of crude oil per day. To make all products in 1 Oil refinery you will need 300 crude oil, so you need to place one oil pump on at least 10 of your farms for one fill of the Oil Refinery to 100%

You have 13 oils pumps for 13 oil refineries, so dont get enough crude oil to fill all refineries.

You have full information about fuel in the following link from our Game Guide>
Thank you for the answer, but it doesn`t solve my issue. I have - as you saw - 14 farm. On all of them I have 1 oil pump and I bought with FC for all the oil rafeneries. As you also can see in my history I expanded many of my farms to 50x50. Originally i wanted to expand them all. That was an extremly bad I dea and I should have bought with my money rather a bluray disc instead or something else. The issue is:

In 24 hours I produce 68 fuel tanks on each farm which is 68 x 300 = 20.400 fuel units x 14 farms = 285.600

For neighbours, levels and gifts I recieve another total of 100.000-170.000 per day.

At the moment I need approx 670.000 fuel units/gallons per round.

Actually I like the game and I don`t do farmin on other frms. I like to play for myself. That is what makes me happy. But as you can see, I don`t have enough fuell and I cannot buy more land as I cannot play them without fuel. I don`t want to play only every 2-3 day. I play daily since i returned after years. As you can see I bought a lot of FC in the last months. But I won`t do it anymore, as it simply makes no sence as I cannot play the game. I will run out of fuel soon.

Either you find somekind of solution to the fuel issue soon or I will have to leave the game as I cannot play it the way I want. I`m willing to buy farmcash for a "fuel double, trippler, ...." or buy upgrates like super oil rafeneries or what so ever. But sure is one thing: I want to be able to satisfy my fuel need. I want to harvest-plow-seed 2-3 times a day (I click 1 time before going to work and 1 time after) and I want to be able to expand my existing farms to maximum (I don`t want new farms, even the last 2 were a mistake). So please do something BIG concerning fuel. No problem concerning Farmcash/paying for it. But I need to be able to play so that the game still makes fun. So I don`t need advices, all I need is a solution for more fuel. It would also be ok if you 4x the amount of fuel you get for each fuel tank (300 x 4). In any way: do something and please do it quickly.

Thank you