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Old Feb 07 2021, 05:59 AM
Luke Jiovanni Luke Jiovanni is offline
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Join Date: Jan 13 2021
Posts: 1

Persistant issues.
USER ID number ( 100003283609276 )

Since I bought a newer Mac, I have been given the lamest advice from support, such as clean my internet history (which this laptop had no history when I brought it home), try letting the game boot on its own for 10 or 15 minutes (I sat and watched it do nothing for half an hour then did hour chores for two and a half hours and came back to the same black page)....., and my favorite, which is to post to this thread, where my posts have been moved to no-one knows where and have gotten NO response.
Every dat or two, I pop on and STILL get the same black screen with the Unity logo, and my few good neighbors keep asking when am I going to get back on..., and I have NO answers for them.
So I'm trying again. I would like a little help this time. This Mac was recently purchased, it has does not have Flash on it, it was never installed, my internet history is purged on a regular basis.

2021-02-07 11:40:40.782 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2021-02-07 11:40:40.784 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2021-02-07 11:40:40.789 LOGSessionId: 1070640
Browser: unknown: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.2 Safari/605.1.15
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 1.0
GPU-Vendor: Intel Inc.
GPU-Renderer: Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine
2021-02-07 11:40:40.938 LOGWarning: Your browser does not support "WebGL 2.0" Graphics API, switching to "WebGL 1.0"
2021-02-07 11:40:50.501 LOGIndexedDB is not available. Data will not persist in cache and PlayerPrefs will not be saved.

[mod edit: private message sent to help user find their posts and replies with further help]

Last edited by Tiger; Feb 07 2021 at 07:04 AM.