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Old Feb 04 2021, 12:46 PM
anothersuzie anothersuzie is offline
Join Date: Feb 05 2011
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by Tiger View Post
Hi anothersusie,

There are sections of the forum that do not permit starting a new thread.
You have posted your issue in the correct thread where all issues with what's currently available to do in the game can be posted, so there was is need to start a new one for it.

It it a particular gift that you can not send or is it all of them?

Have you made any changes to your browser?
Please make sure that your browser is up to date and that 3rd party cookies and popups still allowed in your browser then please try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then try sending gifts again.

If this happens again or does not clear up please click on this link and see if you can see any Farm Town gifts in that area of Facebook:

Hi Tiger, thank you for such a fast response. No changes have been made to my browser since the change from Flash and my browser is up to date. Memcache has been cleared. I can now get to the part where you choose how to find friends you want to send to. I click on the link Farmer Lists. It appears the link has worked but nothing happens.
When I accept gifts I can return, however I am only receiving 50 a day and before the change I was receiving well over 100. I've checked with friends and neighbours and they do not have this issue