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Old Jan 09 2021, 06:24 AM
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Rob T Rob T is offline
Join Date: Aug 13 2009
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Originally Posted by Stu3 View Post
i am getting sick and tired of this joke of a game Flash Died 1/1/21 so why are we still not using html (you have not even bothered to activate the market place over there the basic of the game. i am getting annoyed as a farmer who finishes work when hired i am getting kicked off farms as shockwave flash crashes and then when i return there is no way of returning to the game to finish the job started. at other times i finish the job available then hours later the unfinished work message pops up when there is no work as you have done it people are getting annoyed at farmers who dont complete work on their farms and it seems in my case it is a fault with the game rather than me not finishing the work by choice. get a move on Flash Player is dead and the functions will be switched off on tuesday why is the basics of Marketplace not active on html version for us to go there to get hired for fishing as all browsers are blocking flash plugin daily. it is a joke to keep people on the flash game till the last browser gives up by the update.

for those still in denial that it is happening.

Adobe Flash Player EOL General Information Page

Since Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems.
Hi Stu3,

Converting the game from flash to HTML5 is not a simple task, and can't be done quickly. It is a very different language, so it takes time to convert from one programming language to another. We have to test the new language before we can release it and make sure there are no bugs in it. This takes time. Please be patient while the developers get the other features working, it will not help anyone if we release a version that has errors and bugs. We are all in the same situation.
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