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Old May 24 2019, 11:52 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default How do I use my Trading Warehouse?

Trading Warehouse

This feature uses the players local time to determine when the day starts and ends. Each day starts at 12:00AM and ends at 11:59:59PM.

You can access the Trading Warehouse at Level 20

This is where you can offer products for sale and buy products from Neighbours offline and also for other farmers at the Trade Marketplace while you are online.

If you do not know what a Super Facility is click on My Super Facility. You need to start making the products in your Super Facility in order to be able to sell them in the Super Facility Products Category .

To access your own Trading Warehouse click on the yellow Toolbox and look for the icon shown above in the far left column and click on it to open it.

OR Click on your Avatar and select Show Trading Warehouse.

You will then see this. The window has 3 sections:
  • Sell Super Facility Products to Neighbours
  • Sell Super Facility Products at Trade Marketplace
  • Buy Regular Products - You can buy and sell a pre-determined portion of your crops, logs, tree fruits, flowers, fish, animal products.

To add Super Facility products for sale you need to click on one of the tabs showing at the top of the window.

Click on this so it turns orange for selling to Neighbours.

Click on this so it turns orange for selling at Trade Marketplace.

The process for creating sale offers is exactly the same when creating offers for sale to Neighbours and for creating offers for sale at Trade Marketplace:

Click on Create Sale Offer Super Facility Products and the Sale offer window will open:
Category: Currently this is greyed out as at the moment you can only sell Super Facility Products. In the future you will be also be able to sell primary products (From Crops, From Trees, From Animals, Fish or Flowers.)
Product: choose the specific item you would like to sell.
Quantity: When you are selling Super Facility products this will always be all of your stock, you will not be able to change this. When the selling of Primary products is released you will be able to choose how much of the chosen product you would like to sell.
Mark Up : choose your asking price for your product
Mark Up options:
  • 10% below market price: if the Seller wants to give the Buyer a discount at his own expense.
  • At market price: this will be the same as selling the products at the market.
  • 10% to 50% above market price: in this case the seller is making a profit.
    When selling products from a Super Facility you have more market price options, to sell for Free all the way up to 50% above market price.
When you have made your changes click the Green check mark to save the offer.

You will then see your offer added and the next sale box becomes available for you to add another sale offer:
To add another sale offer click on Create Sale Offer Super Facility Products and the next Sale offer window will open.

Currently you can add 8 sale offers.

If you change your mind about the amount or price of any sale offer you can click on Update and change the amounts. Remember Super Facility products you can NOT change the amount of products , it will always be all your stock, you can only change the Mark Up price. When you are done click the Green check mark to save.

If you wish to remove the offer click on Delete and the offer will be removed allowing you to add another sale if you wish and have more products to sell.

When a sale has been taken: You will see the picture of the product sold, the amount sold, how much for and any profit made if you sold above market price. For the Neighbour offers you will also see their profile picture. The Trade offers will show the buyers avatar picture as long as you and the farmer are still at the Trade Marketplace. It will change to show a blue or purple generic avatar picture if either of you leave the Trade Marketplace. In both cases you can click the picture to navigate to that farmers farm.

Examples of sales at different Mark Ups with different profile/avatar pictures:

If a friend has you for a Neighbour, but you do not have them for a Neighbour and they buy from you, what you will see instead of their profile picture, in the sell to Neighbours section, is a generic picture. If you hover over it, it will tell you that they are Not a Neighbour. You will also see this generic picture if they do not have a profile picture.

As long as the day is not over and you have more products to sell, you can click on Create Sale Offer and make a new offer.

To access your Trading Warehouse when not at your own farm: You can do either of the following:
  • Click on your Avatar and select Show Trading Warehouse.

  • OR before you leave your farm, you can add the Trading Warehouse as a Shortcut to the game bar. Then clicking on the icon will open your Trading Warehouse.

  • When at the Trade Marketplace you can also click on the TO (Trade Offers) button to access your Trading Warehouse. It will be beige and have a number in red if you already have offers available to buy.

    The red number decreases when a product is sold. You will see a brief notification in white lettering, on the game screen, when someone buys from you and the buying information is also in the chat window in red lettering telling you who bought what product from you.

  • Also, when at the Trade Marketplace, the Trading Warehouse will show by default your Trade Marketplace offers instead of your Neighbour Offers.

To Sell your Trade buckets to strangers and to buy from strangers go to the Trade Marketplace.

When the day is over at 11:59:59PM your local time: Any products not sold will show up like this..
Once the new day has begun at 12AM your local time: You can start more products in your Super Facility and then you will have more products to sell. Click on Create Sale Offer and make a new offer.

At the End of the Week, Sunday 11:59:59PM, your local time, any unsold offers will Expire as usual and Monday 12:00AM you will need to Upgrade a Super Facility again, and start making batches to get your new products to sell.

After you have done that, when you next open your Trading Warehouse you will initially be able to see what was sold from the previous week. When you create a new sale offer for the new week all the old offers will automatically be cleared.

If you try to create a new Super Facility offer and you haven't upgraded any Facility to a Super Facility on the current week yet, we will show a text letting you know about it with a link to open the Super Facility Manager.

Last edited by Tiger; Oct 05 2023 at 02:21 PM.