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Old May 27 2019, 07:02 PM
Early Girl Early Girl is offline
Join Date: Jun 15 2009
Posts: 197

Thanks for releasing the Trading Warehouse. I have only 1 product to produce, so I can't take full advantage of it right now, but I can see the advantages for giving away/trading/selling super products. I couldn't find a place to ask this under Suggestions, and hope you can move it to the appropriate section. My question is will the devs think about expanding the options outside just neighbors? Kinda like co-op quests? Maybe a beige cube that allows us too see their warehouse, and hopefully buy items we really need. We are very limited in the amount of neighbors, but our farming friends are endless. The whole point of the Super Facilities was to give us the chance to obtain extra products we need - but those of us who own every facility have a slimmer chance of "getting" a Super Facility upgrade each week of a facility we need. We seem to be penalized. If I only owned the semi, fish farming plant, or refinery - that's all that could be upgraded. Instead, I can add to a mix of different products available. It's all a trade off - but let all my friends have their warehouse available, as mine would be to them.