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Old May 11 2019, 11:49 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Default How do i use the facilities?

There are 2 ways to access your Facilities, either from the facility on the farm or via the Facility Manager.

Via a Facility:

Click on the Facility on your farm, and select "Show Facility Details"

Production facilities
The window is divided into two sections:
  • Things To Produce : Here you will find the list of items you can produce in this facility. Each product is outlined and it gives the size of the batch produced (Batch of xx units), the time it will take to make that batch (Ready in xx mins), the selling price for a single unit (Sell Unit for xxx) and the selling price for the whole batch (Batch for xxxx).

    If you click the Help icon, you will be shown what is needed to make one batch of that item. At the top of that window if the finished product can be used to make something else there will be a link saying "See what to make with....". If it can be used to stock a service facility there will be a link saying "See what facilities to stock with....". These links can be clicked on to give you more information. When you mouse over any picture it will give you the name of the item. Clicking on a picture gives you more information about that item. To go back to previous screens click on the arrow at the top left of the window.

    Clicking on the plus sign lets you ask for ingredients, from your friends, to make that product. These requests will to those that have you as a Neighbour or as a Buddy on the Other Wall Requests page. You will not see your own posts there. You need to be Level 30 before you can request ingredients.

    When you are sent the ingredients, they go to your gift box, when you store them they get sent to your storage. You can request 5 items in 12 hours. The amount you can receive from ingredients, in coin value, is the same as bonus requests. See How often can i post/collect a bonus? for your limit.

    Posting options:
    If you ONLY want to post your request to Other Wall Requests remove the check mark from the Post to request to Facebook box before clicking on the green check mark. Your request will only post to Other Wall Requests.

    If you want to post your request to Facebook AND Other Wall Requests add the check mark to the Post request to Facebook box before clicking on the green check mark.
    You will then see a 2nd popup. Click the green check mark and you will see the Facebook posting box. Click on the blue Post to Facebook button to post to Facebook. Your request will also post to Other Wall Requests.
    If you clicked on the red X instead to cancel posting to Facebook you request will still post to Other Wall Requests.

    When a facility is not at maximum capacity, which can be easier to notice if you own the Start All tools for starting batches faster and when using the Facility Manager you can also request ingredients when you are completely out of an ingredient needed to make a product.


    This farmer has just filled all their regular facilities using the Start All at the top of the Facility Manager. They own all the tools to be able to use that button.
    If you do not own the Turbo Start All tools, you can also use the Start All on an Individual facility if you own the non-turbo version of that tool to start all your batches in one facility at a time.

    After starting all the batches in their facilities they can see that the Romanian Restaurant is not at 100% production in the Facility Manager as the percentage shown next to Utilization is lower than 100% and that the Start All button is greyed out.

    Open the facility and click on all of the Start Batch buttons.
    When you are out of ingredients to make a specific product, you are automatically shown a popup with information on what that is.
    This farmer is shown that they are out of cow trotters to make Tripe Soup.

    To request those ingredients, first decide if you also want to post it to Facebook as well as Other Wall Requests.

    If you do NOT want to post to Facebook, make sure the check mark is REMOVED next to the Post Request to Facebook option. Then click the green check mark and your request will show up to your farming friends in their Other Wall Requests page.

    If you DO want to post to Facebook, make sure the check mark is ADDED next to the Post Request to Facebook option. Then click the green check mark. You will then be able to both Post to Facebook AND and your request will show up to your farming friends in their Other Wall Requests page.

  • To make the product: Click on "Start Batch" to make a single batch of that item. If you want to start more than that you can click on the +10 or +30 to start multiple batches. These will show provided you have enough ingredients to make more than one batch.

    If you do not have enough ingredients to make a batch, when you click "Start Batch" you will see a popup telling you what is ingredient is missing.

    To use the "All" button you need a Start tool for the facility. If you click on "All" and don't own the tool needed you will see a popup telling you which one you need. Start/load tools are listed in Chapter 21: Tools

  • What's Pending : To see the progress of what is being made in your facility you need to click on the "What's Pending" tab, it will turn orange. This section provides information on current productions at the facility, how many are waiting and how many are ready to be transferred to your storage for sale or use in another facility. Several different facilities may be in production simultaneously, but the same type of facility (ie. the windmill) can produce only the one batch at a time. This is an example of what you could see in the red windmill...

    When you have a number showing next to "Done" that is how many products have been made. To Store them hover your mouse over the product box and "Store" will appear, click on "Store" and your products will be sent to your Harvests & Products section of Storage.

Service Facilities

The window is divided into two sections:
  • Required Supplies: This is where you can load your products into the facility. It shows you how long it will take for each batch to be used. This is an example of what you could see in the supermarket.

    If you click the Help icon, you will be shown what is needed to make one batch of that item. Top right of the window will show you a picture of the facility where it can be made. Hover over that picture and it will tell you the name of the facility it's made in. If you then click on the picture of the facility it will tell you what other products it also makes. To go back to previous screens click the arrow top left of the window.

    Note: There is no plus sign for requesting ingredients, in service facilities. This is because they do not make any goods, they only use goods already made and stored from other facilities which earn you more coins by cashing out than selling at market. If you need ingredients to make an item needed for the service facility you will need to do that from the facility that makes the product.

    To Load products into a Service facility: Click "Load Batch" to load a single batch. If you have more products to load you can use the +10 and +30 to load multiple batches. These will show provided you have enough products to load more than one batch.

    If you do not have enough products to load, when you click "Load Batch" you will see a popup telling you the name of the product and how many are missing.

    To use the "All" button you need a Load tool for the facility. If you click on "All" and don't own the tool needed you will see a popup telling you which one you need. Start/Load tools are explained in Chapter 21: Tools

  • What's In Stock: To see the progress of what is being used in your service facility you need to click on the "What's Pending" tab, it will turn orange. This will show you what you have stocked, how many have been used and how long until the next batch is used.

    This is also where you "Cash Out" your service facility to receive the coins made from using the products. Click the blue "Cash Out" button to receive your coins. NOTE: You must have Fuel in order to Cash Out.

For Full details on how to use and find a facility in the Facility Manager Click Here

There are lists of where products are used and stocked, if you need them, in the Game Guide Chapter 27: Ingredients of Farm Town.

Last edited by Tiger; Mar 01 2024 at 12:47 PM.