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Old Feb 19 2019, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by sdsickinger View Post
- When the Mayor is helping you work your neighbours facilities you will not see any sell product offers
- When you are selling products to the Mayor in the markets you will not see any sell product offers

Can you tell us what the reply message is for these 2 incidents so we can tell if this is the case or do they just not want to participate. It would be nice to be able to tell the difference. Maybe as people get used to the new super facility trade option it will get better. Right now it's hard to get people in the trade market to participate. Thanks
Hi sdsickinger,
The message for working facilities says just that that "I am working neighbors facilities, maybe later".
The message when selling in the trade market to the Mayor it says "I am busy selling to the Mayor, maybe later."
If they don't accept your sale it will say they did so or if someone else has already contacted them the message will tell you that.
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