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Old Feb 02 2019, 02:34 PM
mhope23 mhope23 is offline
Join Date: Jun 20 2009
Location: Idaho USA
Posts: 26

Here is a joke on me: I was scanning the last part of the update and I was reading this "Sell Products To" option to the Neighbors Bar. And something else about the Neighborhood Bar. So I'm thinking, " I'm going to have to go to the Inn to see just what they are talking about. Then for some reason, it popped into my mind the Neighborhood frame, or alcove, or even Row. I go to a Bar to drink alcohol. BTW I go to the INN to rent a Room for the night now if they have a Pub I will drink there, Now if there is any buying going on at the neighborhood bar then it may be of the illegal substance type. So they say, I wouldn't know first hand. So I am back on course thanks for the continuing fun. Keep up the good work and I am off to see what all there is I can't afford. Of don't get me started on the price of land, I will save that for another day.
P.S. Are we ever going to get our cursor back? Not having it is a pain (my keyboard right arrow does not work, making it even harder to edit my writing.)

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