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Old Jan 12 2018, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Aussie Rae View Post
I agree we need a "Fired" option that would kick them off the farm if they are not doing what they are hired for.. unfortunately I don't see that happening any time soon.... I get frustrated when I hire someone who claims they can do the work, then find they have no idea how to use my Extent tools (Combine) and are instead harvesting, then plowing afterwards.. as well as not unticking the boxes in preferences so the farms load easier.. I have been lucky in the past to find good workers and must admit if I see someone (who was useless) in the market again I tend to click on them and hit the Ignore button so I don't ever hire them again.. a bit drastic but at the moment its the only way..
Originally Posted by Ellsinore View Post
I disagree that it's a bit drastic -- but am pretty much with you on everything else. :-D

On the one hand, I like to help people just starting out. On the other hand, I, too, am often surprised that what would probably be experienced players can make such a mess on a farm. I asked one guy if I forgot to hire him to plow, and he said he thought everything looked fine to him. ? Since I discovered how the great new tools work quite by accident BY working another farm, I don't know why they can't find them. ("Oh! Is THAT what those do?! KEWL!" LOL!)

I steer away from "solo only!" people as they ironically seem to be the worst offenders! :-D

Learning experiences aside, if you agree to do everything on 30+ farms, then that's what should be done. You're right -- a "fire" option probably isn't in our future at all. And I think this because the Devs are SO good about introducing things that people are asking for if it can be done. I know the "fire" option has been discussed for ages.
Hi Aussie Rae and Ellsinore,
The developers have said all along they will not add a fire option.
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