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Old Dec 31 2017, 05:27 PM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 935

Farm Town: The Most Fun Way to Prevent Alzheimer's

There's a study they did on nuns - followed them for many years and made notes on their daily activities and lots of other stuff, and then noted which ones developed Alzheimer's and which ones didn't. Turns out that one of the most important factors was NOT whether or not they had the "Alzheimer's Gene" but rather which ones continued to learn new things as they aged. Nuns who HAD the Alzheimer's Gene but who maintained a youthful outlook and kept learning new things did NOT tend to develop Alzheimer's. NEW things. In other words, you might think that working a crossword puzzle is good for your brain. It's not that it's BAD, but crosswords rely on retrieving stuff from long-term memory. You're not learning anything new to chock away into short-term memory.

So the way I figure it is that Farm Town is an excellent way to stave off Alzheimer's. Thank you devs for giving us new stuff to learn and keeping our brains youthful.

:::::: Said as she's still scratching her head trying to figure out this new chain :::::::
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Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.
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