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Old Feb 22 2017, 03:18 AM
Aussie Rae Aussie Rae is offline
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Originally Posted by Farmer_Susan View Post
Just curious - doesn't really matter to me one way or the other: what happens if someone doesn't have 30 neighbors? Maybe only 4 or 5. Can they not do ships? Or does the itinerary fill with the same neighbors several times?

Also, and this answer DOES matter to me: since we have our wonderful new Seaport, we don't really need the ships on our farms. Can we put them in storage and still have all the functionality we need through the Seaport or does that mess them up?
Susan, if you go to put your cargo ship in storage, you will get a pop up message asking you "Do you want to add this Cargo Ship(Color) to your Storage?
WARNING: If you currently have any production in this facility, you will lose it!
(To put it back on your farm go to your Storage and click on the Items tab)

hope this helps, I have all my ships in storage now, but continue to click on all that arrive in my port and send them on.