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Old Dec 31 2016, 10:09 AM
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Farmer_Susan Farmer_Susan is offline
Join Date: Jul 27 2009
Location: Atlanta, GA
Posts: 936

I'm still bummed about the 24 hour wait for each ship. The thing I don't like about it is this:

Say I start ship #1 at 7am my time. That's cool if I'm ALWAYS available at 7am to start my next ship. But I'm not. Life gets in the way. So eventually, I'm an hour late - can't launch whatever ship I'm on until 8am. Still not a major problem, I guess, but next time I'm an hour late, I'm now up to 9am, etc., and eventually I'm launching ships so late in the day that it's hard to get them full before bedtime.

What I'd LIKE to be able to do is know that I'll be able to launch my next ship when I first get up in the morning. Quests are like this because they're on a 20-hour schedule. That gives me lots of leeway about when I do my morning farming and yet I always know I'll be able to do my quest first thing.

I think the problem is, right now, we can only have one ship going at a time. That's one of the rules. So if we change the 24-hour wait time before we launch the next one, that means we'd also have to change the amount of time that gives a farmer to load a ship (i.e., we'd only have 20 hours to load it, too). That would be ok with me but some farmers wouldn't like get shorted on that end.

So now I'm wondering . . . do we have to only have one ship going at a time? I think other issues might come up if that gets changed - I'm not sure what they are, but it might get confusing. Just looking at my 7 ships, they're travelling at different rates. Some are going through ports like crazy, others are much slower. Maybe we could launch one as soon as it comes in? And each ship would still get 24 hours to load? Are there issues with that?

I hope to eventually have a suggestion on this issue but right now, I'm not sure what to suggest so was hoping maybe others have some input.
My cat's account, Farmer Squeak, needs neighbors. Please add her if you have room:

Farmer Squeak

Farmer Susan has been happily farming since July 27, 2009.

Farmer Squeak didn't really get started until the web game was ready. Her Facebook Account didn't work. She's been going great guns since then, though!
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