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Old Nov 29 2015, 07:07 AM
Sandie Angel Sandie Angel is offline
Join Date: Apr 27 2009
Posts: 121

Originally Posted by StoneFace View Post
Welcome back.

I wish there was a way, other than bribing with Farm Cash, to get more players to return to the came, see what has been added, and how far the game has come, and be amazed.

The old Red Mansion seems like another lifetime ago.

Thank you!!! Farm Town has been one long standing game here in Facebook. I, myself, have left several times, but had always come back. I'm sure other players will come back eventually. I have to build up my crops and supplies again since I had sold out my stock before I left. Still pretty much the same though. I can see a few new factories and facilities. A few more people in the people section. I can say it's still a very good game to pass the time. I don't like those new games that prompts me on every move I make, they might as well play the games by themselves if the game doesn't need me to think, plan, and prepare.

I'm glad to be back!

Sandie Angel )