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Old Nov 14 2015, 06:57 PM
mcdaddie mcdaddie is offline
Join Date: Dec 02 2010
Posts: 136

I try not to be negative in this forum because so many are negative. I know the devs have had a bad month and I feel for them. I have had problems like that with my own app. But I think these two NEW train cars are a JOKE. Just take one item we all need like Salmon. The new train car brings 29. That is disgusting. I bought two of each because I was excited just to learn it was a waste of farmcash. For LESS FC, I could have bought one each large lake with dock and large seacoast which produces approx the same, but if you have bait you get 2X. Pretty sure you don't get 2X from the train. I get 66 salmon from my lakes 2 times a day. And the train bring 29 every 3 -7 days depending on your locomotive. I believe that is in the "highway robbery" bracket. At the present, I am 2760 Salmon behind from filling all the fac's. How is 29 (two times a week) going to fix that.

I suggest until Slashkey realizes there short sightedness, that you just buy more large lakes with dock and large seacoast. Your money will get you a better return.