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Old Oct 23 2015, 09:03 AM
Qivis Qivis is offline
Join Date: May 14 2012
Posts: 717

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Qivis,
I have never had to clear the caches to get a neighbor's work request to work. All I do is when it comes up with the visit thing instead of the work is close the farm and then open the request again. Clearing your own cache doesn't clear theirs.
I have had to all the time, but usually once or twice is enough. The same with some of my friends when working mine or other farmers. It used to work just by reopening the request but it hasn't worked that way in nearly 2 years. Clearing MY cache was Raul's suggestion since I am in his survey group and I asked him about it in response to something he asked me.

I almost forgot to mention it may have something to do with the fact that I use Windows 10 and have since the day it came out in the Insider Preview. I even managed to back up my data to a 2nd machine so I could get the official release as soon as possible. Since Windows 10 is still practically brand new it may some effect on how games run in Facebook in general and Farm Town in particular.

Friends don't let friends boot from hard drives! A real friend would recommend an SSD. Or better yet NVME.

Last edited by Qivis; Oct 23 2015 at 09:54 AM.