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Old Sep 15 2015, 12:05 AM
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Originally Posted by GarrettHillBabe View Post
Today, in fact at 7:30 CT PM I checked how many days my oldest CoOp quest was. I knew I had days before it would expire because I NEVER complete a quest on the same day I collect FC.
Been keeping a close eye lately because I had an experience with losing a completed quest and was sure it was lost before the exact 7 days were up for that particular one. Well I now know for sure I made no mistake with that one. How? oh I now keep a very close eye on my times. So imagine my shock to come on here at 11:30 PM CT and discover my oldest is GONE! Wow I know time flies but really this is ridiculous.
So in the interest of my proving my point from now on by God I will be using my "Snip It" tool to record completed quests DAILY, date of each picture BTW is automatically recorded by the program. Oh ya, ALL completed quests will show with the days too. We will be taking our pictures EACH day so as to be sure there is no reason anyone can say we made a mistake.

I've seen people's complaints within the many groups on FB about this very same thing. People keep records, report and low and behold FT comes up with "proof" of their customer's error. Until the program "SNIP IT" Slash , we your clients had no way to prove your clocks and or your program was off. Now we do, complete with dated pictures!

OK I've blown off steam....thanks for allowing me to.
Hi GarrettHill Babe,
Unless you give us a link to your farm then there isn't anyu way for us to verify anything you have said here to see if you are correct. Please provide a link to your farms so we can check this. Going to your farm and copying the address does not work as that is a generic link that takes us to our own farms. The automatic linking does not work either so you will have to create one and paste it here in a reply. Please follow the instructions on how to do that are in the following link:

Please note that Snip-it will only record pictures at the time you have your Farm Town open. So if you are taking a snapshot at the time you are collecting the coins that will not show the correct time of when the quest was completed. It is not completed when you collect the coins, but is complete when the last step of the quest is finished.
If the last step completes at say 8:30 PM on Sunday, but you wait to collect the coins until 7:30 AM the next day then the quest is added to the chart on Sunday and not Monday and will expire on the next Sunday at 8:30 PM not at 7:30 AM on Monday.
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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