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Old Sep 04 2015, 11:58 AM
lollipopthebunny lollipopthebunny is offline
Join Date: Nov 06 2010
Location: San Diego, California
Posts: 167

Originally Posted by marymarcel View Post
Hi lollipopthebunny

I had a look at your data and you have tools and fuel available for your workers and your tools are in storage.

Could it be possible they dont know how to get the tools from the tool box? Just remember that when the 14x14 tools were released, we got the option to use our mouse wheel when the Toolbox is open to scroll up and down to access the bigger tools and also the smallest tools. Perhaps they dont know that.
I do tell them to go to the tool box but will try to remember to tell them to use the mouse wheel after they are in the tool box to scroll.

But there are still some that no matter how I explain or try to help them they still can't use the tools. Also due to the fact that a lot use the magnifier when on a farm we have NO way of talking to them or they don't pay attention the bar at the bottom! Wish there was a way to communicate easier to hired workers! IT gets real FRUSTRATING!