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Old Jun 18 2015, 10:36 PM
debbyrd debbyrd is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2015
Posts: 5
Default Fuel Usage and Limited buying

I like working farms that use the farmer's tools and fuel because I am new to the game and don't have the bigger tools. I like to buy fuel so that I can offer people working on my farm to use mine. My beef is when I go to work on someone else's farm I have to use my fuel for their larger harvester using up my storage of fuel. The farms I get hired for are huge and usually heavily layered. When I deplete my fuel then I end up harvesting with the scythe one spot at a time. VERY slowly! Not to mention my slow, blinking, disappearing graphics so bad it takes me forever many times getting hung not being able to finish the farm.

You can only buy fuel once a day, I believe, so it really limits me on working. Please fix it so that we do not have to use our own fuel to harvest other's farms or at least let us buy unlimited. Or, make more solar powerd tools! I LOVE my solar powered tractor.