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Old Mar 26 2015, 03:28 AM
Walkies Walkies is offline
Join Date: Feb 07 2015
Posts: 74

I agree with you that this is a great game and I enjoy it immensely. I wonder if I can help you with this suggestion. In the beginning I used to try to do every facility every couple of days but then I discovered the facility manager, this made it much easier than going to every farm and clicking on each facility individually. My strategy is to do all the animal facilities every day, then work my way down the list, doing a few each day. Facilities empty in two weeks so there is no need to do them daily. If I run out of time, I leave them for another day.
I enjoy working on my friends' facilities, sometimes I get goodies I can't produce myself and most of all I pick up loads of XP!
But it's not an obligation, if I haven't got time then I can't do it. Play for the enjoyment and don't feel pressured. Your friends shouldn't complain, it is, after all, a game!

Then there are the co-op quests! If you have lots of friends that you like to interact with, get them on to
co-op quests! It is a great fun way of earning one or two farm cash in a week, and takes very little time! I highly recommend this. You can also complete normal quests for a couple of Cash every week, it soon adds up!

Last edited by Walkies; Mar 26 2015 at 03:46 AM.