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Old Mar 24 2015, 02:08 AM
Fokus Fokus is offline
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Join Date: Jan 15 2015
Posts: 31

I agree with ldog70 Tiger.

There is really no excuse for game developers to have your customer/player base jumps thru all the hoops of having to clear cache, reboot, turn off all settings just to load the game. It comes down to poor planning and development - you force the players to stack farms out of necessity because each tree produces ONE item only. So we need a forest to do one production run. It is not my responsibility to make sure your game works properly so I can play it.
Simple scaling would works wonders. One Sea coast should produce 100 times the amount, one tree should produce a 100 fruit, etc. There is only one reason we have heavily stacked farms that produces 'a considerable amount of data to upload' and that is because the game forces us to do just that. You don't control how people design their farms? No but you make so they have no other option if they wish to maintain production.

1. Solution #1 - Scale the resources accordingly. Cut back on the amount of trees needed.
2. Solution #2 - keep everything the same but only allow production once a day. Right now the onus is on the worker. we can work production once every 12 hours. The producer can post every 5 minutes if they have the resources - which leads to another problem of spamming the news feed.
3. Get Facebook to do something about the servers they host YOUR game on - you are their customer are you not? For at least a month now I am getting nothing but Request Timed Out when I do a trace route to the game and there is no excuse for that.