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Old Oct 19 2014, 10:38 PM
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anglnwhite anglnwhite is offline
Join Date: Aug 31 2010
Location: Washington State
Posts: 424

Originally Posted by SeniorCornwall View Post
Just my thoughts on scarce items..... every time you can get a farm, immediately add the following to them right away: Mineral Mine, Open Pit Mine, Oil Well, Cow Shed, Chicken Coop, Dairy Shed, Wool Shed, Pigsty, Rabbit Hutch. These are all for coins (fill the animals to max). Even if you don't need all the products when you start, you will run out eventually so stockpile when you are starting the game.

If you have the farm cash, Fish Plant, bee Farm and Semi-Trailer Truck on every farm - and a few stables. Same Theory here as first...

If you want to make coins, buy a bank for every farm you have. Stocking and selling the production will general lots of coins for you...

Hope this helps..

Senior Cornwall
Totally agree with you, Senior. Add sawmill and paper mill to that list as well. If you don't have a bank on every farm, you are missing out on "free" coin! I have been lucky enough to get by with 2 bee farms, 2 fish plants, 2 stables and 3 semi trucks.
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